Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
March 27, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Maxine Champion, Patrick Witwicki, Julie Livgard
Call to order 7:05
Special Guest - Patrick Witwicki, AFFNO
Patrick is on a tour of the Northwest and wanted to update the Terrace Chapter of CPF on AFFNO’s activities. 
In the past, AFFNO held a St. John Baptiste.   If AFFNO is approved to do an activity, there will be extra funds available but the War of 1812 must be incorporated - June 22nd, St. John Baptiste, Heritage Park might be a possibility.
May 7-11, 2012 is the Heritage Fair – there are funds available if the schools would like to bring any of their students to Heritage Park to visit the museum during that time period.  
There is a bilingual position for a Tour Guide at Heritage Park open this summer for any FI graduates or grade 11 students interested.
Also, Heritage Museum is offering an arts day camp July 2-5 and would like to offer one of the days in French.  They will be looking for a volunteer to help with this. 
In May, AFFNO is looking at having a fund raiser with the Kitimat Library.  It will be similar to the Murder Mystery fund raiser done in PR this winter.
Patrick showed CPF members an example of the AFFNO Newsletter that was recently printed.  These are available to AFFNO members.  CPF in Kitimat is currently signed up as an organization.  Dina made a motion for Terrace CPF to join as a member too.  S/C.
 Saturday May 12, 2012 AFFNO AGM in PR via teleconference at 1:00 pm.
Principal’s Report – Maxine Champion, Ecole Mountainview
Maxine thanked CPF for funding Marc Tardif the Magician and, for the funding provided to purchase books.  A number of non-fiction books were ordered which will hopefully help students completing research projects. 
A visit from Skeena’s principals is scheduled for Thursday March 29 to meet with grade 6/7 students to discuss the transition to middle school.
Currently, there are 28 kindergarten students registered for the fall; one more will be registering and a few more have expressed interest.  Maxine reports an increase in parents inquiring about the program in general.  There will likely be two kindergarten classes in the fall.
Last year the PALS Program was done in the evening.  Unfortunately, there will be no PALS Program this year due to job action by teachers.  If there is any type of “Welcome to Kindergarten Activities” this spring CPF is welcome to have a representative present. 
The student numbers will be roughly similar to this year.  Possible staffing changes are still being decided.  The higher grades will likely be splits because of student numbers. 
At this time, it is unknown whether Ecole Mountainview will have a band program in Sept. 
On April 14, the Concours Public Speaking Competition will be held in Kitimat – this is for Grade 5,6 & 7.  The top three students from each grade will be asked to go to Kitimat.  Next year Terrace will be hosting this.  Heather Robinson has organized it in the past and mentioned she would be willing to organize it again.
Ideliare  a French author is coming April 16 to Ecole Mountainview.  CPF is funding this for $350.00.
On April 20, Buzz Cuivres is coming to Mountainview.  CPF is helping to pay for this as well.  An afternoon show is being planned. 
Agenda approved.

Minutes from last meeting approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Terri distributed the financial statements.  CPF received another $1,000.00 from the BC Gaming Branch in February.  Discussion held around what our options for this money are. 
A laptop computer was purchased for CPF.  It includes extended warranty, MS Office, and Simply Accounting, a mouse and a bag.
We are owed money by Scholastic because we accidently sent them our float.  It will be returned but may take a while.  CPF is also owed $150.00 from Just Aissi.  Dina is still working with Renee to try and get this returned. 
Terri made a motion to close the Royal Bank account.  S/C.
Dina – handed out yearend financial overview hand out.  Financial situation discussed. 
New Business
Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser - idea discussed as a fund raiser.  Flo and Julie have agreed to co-coordinate this event. 
Early Childhood Fair – looking for a volunteer to take charge of the planning for this.  Dina to approach Kathleen Simms to see whether she is willing.  It is possible that FI high school students might be willing to volunteer during the day.
First Aid Workshops – coming to Ecole Jack Cook for the grade 4-7’s.  It is $25.00 per students and would be in May or June.  There are currently 13 students in Grade 7.  Discussion held around CPF paying for our Grade 7’s ­to attend.  It was decided CPF would not pay for this however, we will pass the information on to parents and will inform Renee that we are willing to distribute any information regarding the workshop.
Summer Reading Club – will discuss at next meeting.
Summer French Day Camp – Is scheduled for the first week in July, Terrace Park and Rec. is offering it. 
Dina distributed pamphlet re. possible student exchange for future students. 
Executives for next year – Carolyn possibly interested in President. Dina willing to stay on as a director.  We need a treasurer though.  Josianne willing to stay on to support treasurer but not able to be a treasurer. 
Next meeting – Wednesday April 25 at Ecole Jack Cook – Reilly may be doing a presentation about her trip to Ottawa and Tenille Lewis, a grade 12 student, will be speaking about her experience in Quebec as an exchange student.