Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
April 25, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Linda Wilson, Tenille Lewis, Renee Syvret, Carolyn DeFreitas

Call to order 7:05
Approval of Agenda  

Addition to agenda - childcare during meetings, Skeena award, yearbook donation
Approval of Minutes

Special Guest – Tenille Lewis, Grade 12 French Immersion Student. 
Last summer, Tenille applied for and was accepted into the Explorer’s Program.  This program was an alternative to doing  Science Humaine 11 in French by video conference.  As part of the program, Tenille went to a very small community by the St. Lawerence River, in Quebec for 5 weeks.  The first night she travelled to Montreal where she spent the night.  She then went on her own to the small community.  She lived with a host family for the 5 weeks she was there with 3 other girls.  While there, she attended a special French school that was held at the local high school.  Tenille took a course in higher level communication where she worked on pronounciation, interviewed individuals, and participated in a debate -- all in French.  By completing this course Tenille received a BC FI high school credit.  While there, Tenille went on a different excursion every weekend and for one week they went to Quebec City.  The program had a 3 strikes policy and if you were caught speaking English 3 times you were sent home.  Most of the people that attended the school were older than Tenille but overall she really enjoyed the trip and the program.  The only cost for Tenille to participate in this program was travel and they recommended you bring $500.00 for spending.  Tenille found out about this program from a fellow student who attended it the previous year.  In order to qualify for this program students need to do a placement test prior to beginning and then one afterwards to see if their language has improved. The minimum age to participate is 17 and they hold spring, summer and fall sessions.  

Another student exchange is available for FI students in Quebec as well.  This exchange is for grade 10 or 11 students and is 3 months long.    
School Report – Renee Syvret, Ecole Jack Cook

Renee reported that 1 out of 3 of their students will be going to Skeena for grade 7;  the other 2 have chosen to stay at Jack Cook.  They are willing to accommodate the students so that they can attend the band program if needed. 
They currently have 6 or 7 students entering kindergarten in September with a total of 33 students for the next school year which is enough to maintain 3 teachers.  The school year is going very well.  The teacher Natalie Fredrickson is returning in the fall from her exchange.  For the first time in many years they have many different people available to sub and assist in various capacities. 

The afterschool program is a wonderful success this year. It runs from 3:00 – 5:20 pm.  Renee reports that it is a stress relief for the students’ families as they no longer have to worry about childcare or ensuring the children’s homework is done.  They have noticed a large improvement in the students’ French as well. 
Terrace Parks and Rec is offering a French Summer Camp this year.  It will be held the first week of July.  Registration was open April 10.  The camp is already full with 12 students. If anyone is interested in attending the summer camp they need to phone Terrace Park and Rec and ask to have their child’s name put on the waiting list.  The summer camp is for children ages 5 – 12.  It could be possible that they will run another summer camp if they have enough people interested, although it would have to be with a different instructor. 

Treasurer’s Report – Linda has agreed to be the new treasurer for 2012-2013.  Josiane and Dina will complete the application for another gaming grant of $2,500.00 for the 2012/2013 year.  The draft budget was presented by Dina for members to review.
New Business
Skeena School T-Shirts Request - Skeena Middle School has approached Ecole Mountainview for a donation towards t-shirts for all of the students attending Skeena in Sept.2012.  This is to try and unify the students who are coming from all of the different schools.  They have approached all feeder schools for donations.  Ecole Mountainview PAC suggested CPF might want to donate as well.  Dina made a motion to donate $500.00 towards the purchase of T-shirts.  Seconded and passed. 

Award for Skeena – At Ecole Mountainview, CPF currently gives an award and plaque to a student(s) who is moving onto Skeena the next year (this award is not monetary).  CPF also provides scholarships for a student(s) graduating from Cal.  The Skeena FI students and Jack Cook students do not currently receive any awards from CPF.  Discussion was held around having an award for a Skeena student(s) going into Caledonia and one for a student(s) leaving Jack Cook as well.  Dina made a motion that CPF will establish awards for Skeena and Jack Cook that will recognize a student or students of French who are leaving their school.  Criteria to be determined in consultation with the schools.  Awards and Recognition in 2012/2013 budget to be changed to $500.00 rather than $300.00 to ensure the cost for this is covered.  Seconded and carried. 
Child care During Meetings – The question was raised - do we want to offer childcare to parents during our meetings in order to try and encourage attendance?  Further discussion to ensue at next meeting. 

Yearbook Club Request – The yearbook club at Ecole Mountainview has approached CPF for a donation towards their yearbook.  Discussion around this request.  Motion made to donate $25.00 for 2011/2012 to Ecole Mountainview Yearbook Club. Seconded and carried.
Garage Sale – Coming up on Saturday May 26.  CPF will gather donations for garage sale from parents and anyone else who is willing to donate.   A letter will be sent out to parents in the next couple of weeks requesting donations.  We will be looking for volunteers and volunteers with trucks in particular.  

Concours Public Speaking Competition – no students from Terrace went to the District competition held in Kitimat this year.  It will be held in Terrace next year.  Discussion around holding it a bit earlier next year prior to the Music Festival. 

Possible Book Fair - Discussion held around the need to book an Interac machine if we are planning to hold a book fair in the fall.  It was decided that we do not need to worry about it at this time.  We do not currently know whether or not an open house is going to be held. Until that is known it can wait.  
Fall Skating Party - We need to ensure the arena is booked for September before the end of June if we want to hold a Skating Party/Membership drive again.   

Tabled for next meeting - purchase of an external hard drive or memory stick for the computer.
Next Meeting:  AGM – May 22, 2012 at Ecole Mountainview, 7:00 pm.