Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
Annual General Meeting, May 22, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Linda Wilson, Carolyn DeFreitas , Maxine Champion, Julie Livgard, Suzanne Dorais.
Call to order: 7:10
President’s Report – distributed.  Dina passed around the hoodie that will be presented to the Skeena students who are now going into Cal as well as the new Grad pins for everyone to see. 
Thank you cards given to the leaving executive.
M/S/C to adopt the President’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report – financial report was distributed and discussed.  M/S/C to approve the 2011-2012 financial statements.
Secretary’s Report – Outline of the paperwork required for the end of the year reporting and volunteer hours were requested. 
Elections held:
President - Carolyn DeFreitas
Vice President – currently unfilled.
Treasurer – Linda Wilson
Secretary – Kari Eisner will remain as secretary for another year.
Directors – Julie, Dina and Flo have agreed to be Directors at large for CPF Terrace Chapter.
Budget for 2012-2013 – Distributed and discussed. M/S/C to adopt the 2012-2013 budget as presented.
Cheques for Idelaire, Book Reserve, Summer Reading Club, A2Z, Office Supplies signed.
Garage Sale – Is being held this Saturday at Ecole Mountainview.  In need of volunteers and trucks to assist.  Garage sale items will be accepted on Friday from 3 – 6:30.

Signing Authority – M/S/C  to remove Terri Bowles and Dina Von Hahn from signing authority and to add Carolyn DeFretias and Linda Wilson. 
Gaming Application – Dina and Josianne to complete the gaming application for the 2012/2013 year by the May 31, 2012 deadline.
CPF – BC Reporting – Annual Summary, forms will need to be completed and submitted in June.
Kindergarten Orientation – 3 different orientation sessions.  31 students registered for K and they will have 3 different sessions with 10 students each.  CPF is invited to attend these sessions and Carolyn and Linda will try to attend and distribute pamphlets to the parents.  To be held on Friday - June 8.
Caledonia Grad Luncheon – Shannon Murdoch and Richard Claire usually organize this however, due to job action may not be able to organize it.  Dina to follow up on this. 
Advertising – will be an expense for the ad in the paper congratulating the FI grads of 2012 and for the engraving of the grad pins.  Scholarship awards – June 21 – Dina to attend.
Ecole Mountainview award – need a volunteer to present the award.  Terri volunteered and we will need to get it engraved afterwards. Awards ceremony to be held on June 26, 9:00 am.
An award will be established for Jack Cook and Skeena next year. 
Skating Party – the arena will need to be booked at the end of August.  Carolyn to follow up on this. 
Principal’s Report – Upcoming Events.  June 26 is the last day of class for students.  Report cards on June 25.  Sports Day June 15,Kindergarten Orientation is on June 8, June 22 grade 6 and 7 will visit Skeena.  No track and field.  Job action is putting a damper on field trips.  They need to be back here by 12:00 for lunch.  Kitimat field trip to the swimming pool will likely be cancelled because of this. 
Seven classes for the fall, K to 6.  Staffing is known but not who is teaching which grade(s). 
Next Meeting:  Thursday, June 21 - 7 pm at Cafenara. MEETING ADJOURNED 8:50 P.M.