Canadian Parents for
November 22, 2011
Meeting Minutes
In attendance: Dina von
Hahn, Flo Sheppard, Carolyn DeFreitas, Terri Bowles, Julie Livgard, Kari
Eisner. Minutes taken by Kari Eisner.
Call to order: 5:20 pm
Introductions were done.
Minutes from last meeting approved. Corina Cleveland has agreed to be the
representative for Ecole Jack Cook.
President's Report:
To be discussed under agenda items.
Treasure’s Report:
Approximately $2,750.00 was raised at the Family Dance. Our expenditures for the Family Dance were
approximately $500.00
Our chapter recently received $1,603.00 from CPF BC in membership
rebates from the past two years.
The $2,500.00 that our chapter donated for a planned trip to
France by Skeena students last summer has been returned to us by Skeena Junior
Secondary School because the trip did not take place.
Principals Report: Dina distributed a copy of Maxine Champion’s report to the members.
Old Business
Carolyn recently attended the CPF AGM. She reported that she enjoyed herself and
networked with many people including the representative of the Kitimat chapter.
She attended a presentation about summer camps which was put
on by the Campbell River chapter. Carolyn
will contact the Campbell River chapter to get a copy of their presentation as
it outlines the “How Tos” of starting a summer camp.
Many ideas were discussed throughout the AGM including the
use of social media to promote CPF.
Family Dance:
Dina is working on
compiling a “Thank You” list for all the people and businesses that contributed
to the dance.
Nineteen surveys
were returned, all with positive feedback.
Changes to consider for
next year include: more seating, prizes
for everyone, more lighting in the gym, the use of French music for the cake
walk, and lower games ticket prices.
Sociocultural Grant
Our chapter recently applied to CPF BC for two Sociocultural
grants. The first was for $425.00 to
help cover the cost of the Family Dance, but the amount we receive, if
approved, will be lower because we can only receive 50 per cent of our
expenses. The second is for Idelaire,
the French author program that is coming in April. We have applied for $175.00.
Unfortunately, we missed the deadline to apply for a
sociocultural grant to help cover the cost of “Just Aissie – Just
Gumboots”. If CPF opens up applications
a second time, we will apply for to help
cover the costs of this performer’s visit.
A motion was made that the Terrace Chapter of CPF will fund
the entertainer “Just Aissie” for up to $1,000.00 for a visit to Ecole
Mountainview in February. S/C.
Scholastic Book
Plans for the Book Fair are going well. We are still looking for volunteers. It is to be held on Wednesday November 30,
2011 from 1-8 pm.
CPF will be buying approx. $500.00 worth of books/equipment
for the Terrace Public Library from the Book Fair.
Carolyn & Dina will be meeting with Jess Dafoe and
representatives from the library to discuss what type of purchases they
New Business:
Teacher Appreciation
This has been moved to January 2012.
Flo has requested a quote from Cafenara for 20 – 25 people
and is waiting to hear back. Ideas for the menu were discussed as well as the
idea of small gifts of appreciation for the teachers.
Terri mentioned that Ecole Mountainview’s PAC might be
willing to share in the cost of the event once we have a better idea of the
Student Travel:
In addition to the $2,500.00 that was returned to our
Chapter from the junior and high school students France travel fund, we also
received an additional $1,200.00. This money was raised by the students through
a raffle under the CPF Gaming licence and therefore the money was returned to
our Chapter.
Discussion was held as to what should be done with the
money. It was agreed that the money
could be used to purchase sweatshirts with Caledonia and CPF logos on it and
given to the French Immersion students leaving Skeena and entering
Caledonia. Dina to look into the cost of
sweatshirts and logos.
Cabane a Sucre:
Julie has agreed to be our Cabane a Sucre Coordinator. Erin Dunbar is willing to help with this
event as well.
Carolyn mentioned that Kitimat’s CPF Chapter is interested
in partnering with us for this event.
Discussed the idea of holding Cabane a Sucre at Onion Lake
and partnering with the Cross Country Ski Club or possibly at the lake.
Julie, Carolyn and Erin to meet and discuss further ideas.
Library Reading Time:
Ereka Roach from the Terrace Public Library is willing to do
a French Winter Storytime. It was
suggested that it be held one afternoon early in the Christmas Break from 1- 3
pm with a story and craft for students from Kindergarten to grade 4.
Carolyn to discuss the idea further with Ereka.
CPF Newsletter: The CPF Newsletter that was sent out last
night looked great. Thanks to Nancy Stone-Archer
and Dina for all their hard work!
Spring Fundraiser:
The idea of holding a garage sale in the spring as a
fundraiser was brought up.
Notice of Motion:
Dina made a notice of motion to spend approximately $1,400.00
to purchase 300 grad pins, as there are only 10 or so left. We will vote on this motion at our January
Christmas Cards for
The suggestion was made to make Christmas cards for all of
the teachers. Dina will make a list of
teachers and this idea will be discussed further through email.
Adjournment: 7:10 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at Skeena Junior
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