Parents for French
2, 2012
Call to order: 7:05
Introductions were done.
Minutes from June 21, 2012 meeting approved.
Principals Report - Maxine Champion, Ecole Mountainview
Ecole Mountainview currently has 151 students enrolled and 2
kindergarten classes this year, one with 13 students and one with 14. They currently have a SA working at the
school 10 hours /week. They are also providing learner support time 2 days per
week. This is provided within the
classroom mostly. Recently, a 10%
Learning Assistant was also hired. This
is equivalent to 146 min./week or 1 morning per week and this individual will
provide reading support to students.
Patrick Witwicki from AFFNO has provided Ecole Montainview
students with French movies to rent.
They are available at the office if any students would like to view
them. They simply have to sign them out
at the office and are allowed to keep them for 1 week.
Photo day is on Thursday October 4, 2012.
Students in grades 4-6 will be attending an opera on
Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 at the REM Lee Theatre.
The school website is up and running. CPF can have a link to it if we would
like. Both the grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes
will have their own blogs.
There is a new music teacher – Fiona Robinson has started at
Ecole Mountainview.
Jeanette Ewald has also replaced Mme. Begin’s position as
Fine Arts and Librarian.
President’s Report – see
written report, Oct 2, 2012.
Treasurer Report –
receipts still need to be submitted for the Skating Party held in
September. The skating party generated 6
new memberships. Our chapter will see an
80% return on these memberships. Our
chapter received $2000.00 from BC Gaming.
Secretary Report
– a reminder that volunteer hours need to be submitted for July, August and
Sept. from all members.
Directors Report:
Dina VonHahn – Returned EMV’s plaque with the recipients of
the 2011/2012 “Prix de L’Ambassadeur de L’Immersion Francause” award engaved on
it. Discussion around creating a similar
award for students in Jack Cook and Skeena.
Dina also reported that there were 5 students who graduated from
French Immersion this year. Two students
qualified for a scholarship from CPF, one received $900.00 and one received $500.00.
Motion made to provide Stella Pedan with an honorarium of
$25.00 for scrapbooking supplies to supplement her current stock. Motion S/C.
Thank you Stella for all your hard work.
Julie Livgard, Welcome Back Skating Party – This year apples
and oranges were provided at the skating party and just over $200.00 was spent.
New Business:
A motion was made to purchase a $100.00 gift certificate
(maximum) to be offered as a thank you to Mme. Begin in recognition of her work
on the Bonhomme costume. Motion
s/c. Stella offered to make a Thank You card
and Carolyn has agreed to deliver it to Mme. Begin within the next week.
Vice President – Our chapter must have one in order to
maintain our status as an active chapter.
Linda has agreed to stand in as Vice President/Treasurer for now.
Review of Chapter
Welcome Back Skating Party - complete.
October 2012 – The membership drive is finished at the end
of October. Therefore, it was suggested
that a family movie night at EMV be held.
CPF members would be free, a nominal fee would be charged for
non-members. Air popcorn and water could
be provided. Parents will be required to
attend with their children. Discussion
around having a CPF slideshow during intermission to encourage membership. A backpack notice sent home will also include
a membership form attached to the back of it.
EMV’s Movie Night will be held on the Friday Oct.26, 2012. Everyone is welcome to come in pajama’s! There will be gym mats, benches and chairs to
sit on and a door prize draw for new members.
Further plans for the movie night were discussed. Julie and Carolyn have agreed to plan this event.
November 2012 - CPF would like to hold some sort of Cultural
Night in November. Various ideas were discussed. The possibility of approaching Skeena
Diversity about a French culture night was brought up – brainstorming with them,
Ecole Jack Cook and possibly the Metis Fiddlers was suggested.
December 2012 – Discussion around holding a Teacher
Appreciation Night although this could also be held in January or February
2013. Decision to be made regarding this
at a later date.
March 2013 – Cabane a Sucre – The Terrace Chapter will once
again be partnering with the Kitimat Chapter and the plan is to hold it at the
Nordic Cross Country Ski Club again.
Carolyn is planning to meet with the the Kitimat Chapter in the near
future regarding the planning for this.
They are also looking into providing dog sled rides.
March 2013 – Concours will be hosted in Terrace this
year. Dina is looking into the
possibility of holding it on Saturday March 9.
Dina to contact Caledonia Sr. Sec. and/or Skeena about booking the lecture
theatre for this date. Dina has agreed
to plan this.
May 2013 – The possibility of holding another garage sale
was suggested. Last year we made $350.00.
Tabled for further discussion.
July and August 2013 – Summer Reading Club – We hope to
continue the French Summer Reading Club again next year.
Book reserve money remains for Skeena ($800), Caledonia
(<$300), and the Terrace Public Library (approx. $350). $800 book reserve
money has not yet been designated, and could be offered on a first come first
serve basis, to either Skeena, for CORE French resources, or the TPL for French
collection shelving.
French Summer Camp 2013 – The French Summer Camp that was
offered this summer went very well and hopefully the City of Terrace will hold
one again in 2013. CPF would like to be
involved and assist with this as well.
In all events, CPF needs to try to connect the older French Immersion
students with the younger FI students.
CPF Conference in
Prince George – Carolyn and Linda attended this conference last weekend. Both women reported the conference was very
informative and they were able to network with many other Chapters in the NW
Region. One of the suggestions that came
was a speaker series about how parents can help their children in FI. Various topics could include “Continuing
French Beyond 3:00” or “How to Take it Beyond Computers”. The speaker series would be an evening
session so that parents could attend.
Maxine has agreed to discuss this idea with the teachers to see if any
of them would be willing to assist with this.
This may be a project Maxine is able to deliver for us sometime in the new
Roles to be filled for 2012/2013 - to be discussed at next
Meeting – Monday Oct.29th at Ecole Jack Cook, 7pm.
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