Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

General Meeting, September 27, 2011 Agenda and Minutes

Canadian Parents for French, Terrace
General Meeting, September 27, 2011
Agenda and Minutes
Carolyn De Freitas, Julie Livgard, Maxine Champion, Dina von Hahn, Josiane Biggs, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard (recorder), Lyne Watt

Call to Order
7:07 pm

Approval of June General Meeting Minutes
Approval of Agenda
·    Carolyn moved to add item:  search for liaison at other schools (Jack Cook, Skeena, Caledonia)
·    Lyne – fundraising – decals on labels (Campbell’s parent company); Terri to share with PAC
Presidents Report – Chapter Status, Schedules, Program Info
·    We are a chapter in good standing, in great part to Terri and Kari’s efforts!
·    Awaiting response from CPF re remittance of membership fees
·    Deposit fees collected into CPF account and Terri will write a cheque to head office
·    Total membership fees need to be in Ottawa by Nov 15th
·    Dina (and Carolyn) met with many of the students at all 3 FI schools in Terrace
·    Discussed arising issues in high school (e.g. technological issues with distance courses).  Dina to follow up with Cam McKay and/or Agnes Casgrain. 
Treasurer’s Report – Financial statements
·    Reviewed financial statements
·    Bad news:  (1)  $219 + $14 in our general account; (2)  we were denied a gaming grant because we have >50% of last year’s grant still in our account and we have an ineligible program (need to “beef up” our focus on youth); Josiane will contest decision; M/S/C to add a restricted reserve fund for enhancing local French library (literature, recreational fiction, nonfiction, magazine subscriptions & reference books) supports for youth
·    Good news:  our bingo account has $4, 690.37 as of the reporting period (Aug 2011)
Secretary’s Report – please tally volunteer hours from June to end of September
·    Terri – 16 hours
·    Josiane – 61.25 hours
·    Flo – 10 hours
Principal’s Report – EMV, Maxine Champion
·    161 students registered
·    Extra kindergarten class plus new students in other grades:  6 students from Jack Cook, some from out of town
·    2 kindergarten classes (13 each)
·    Straight grades:  1, 2, 3, 4
·    Split 5/6 and 6/7
·    Terry Fox run on Sept 28th after lunch
·    Staffing:  still looking for a replacement for Mme. Fortin; new staff member Mme Seguin (from Victoria); Mme. Hanna has returned;
·    Music offered to K – 5/6 and band to 6/7
June Recognition Activities
·    Dina will get EMV plaque engraved
Summer Reading Club - Carolyn
·    24 children read in French; 1/3 of readers were non-French students
·    Plan to recognize the top readers at a future school assembly
Skating Party/Membership Drive – Josiane
·    Dina to draft a thank you letter for the teen volunteers.  Josiane to proof.  Elementary school student volunteers to get a certificate.  Adults to get a general thank you.
·    Positive feedback from participants that the event was free (skating and snack)
·    Suggestion to host a swim party
·    Received 23 new memberships or renewals  with more anticipated
·    Suggestions for next year:  have a sign in sheet for participants to get a count, identify who were FI, Jack Cook, CPF membership; have change rooms locked up; each person to get a ticket to visit the canteen; have more signage to inform participants about the additional activities in the arena banquet room; formally invite the teachers
·    Membership prize draws:  Natasha Partel (French Playground cd), Bonnie Ziebarth (1000 First Words in French book), Julie Livgard (Lili la vache book), Angela Rabut (Pierre et les pirates book), Morie Gracey (Sharp electronic dictionary); kids will be called on the PA to collect prizes
Scrapbook – Stella Peden
·    M/S/C to give $20 honorarium to Stella to cover scrapbook supplies
French Language Classes, October 4-Dec 13
·    Contact Renee Syvret at Ecole Jack Cook for more information
CPF BC AGM November, 2011
·    We are entitled to send three delegates
Family Dance – Nov 18, Lyne Watt
·    Request for donations for themed baskets; donations to be dropped off at the office due to teacher job action;
·    M/S/C a budget of $1000 (DJ, concession, advertising)
·    Ted Taylor (parent) may be able to help with advertising
·    Request Rob McEvoy to coordinate donations
Book Fair – Nov 29? And 30, Souad Gabriel
·    Run from end of school day to 7 pm on Nov 30  (or as much time possible with available volunteers)
·    Decision to go with usual volume of books from Scholastic
Teacher Appreciation – December, Flo Sheppard
·    Not discussed
Carnaval - January
·    Not discussed
Film Festival
·    Not discussed
Caban a Sucre –
·    Not discussed
Concours – March
·    Not discussed
Spring Event –
·    Not discussed
Early Years Fair – May
·    Not discussed
Liaison at Jack Cook
·    Not discussed.  Table to next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm

Future Meeting Dates, Places and Themes

October 25, Ecole Jack Cook, 7 p.m.
November 22, Ecole Mountainview 7 p.m.
January 24, Skeena Junior Secondary, -  FI Middle School Program
February 28, Caledonia Senior Secondary,  - FI Graduation Program, Scholarships
March 27, Ecole Mountainview
April 24, Ecole Jack Cook
May 22, Ecole Mountainview, AGM
June 26, TBA

Friday, September 23, 2011

French Language Classes for Parents

Renee Syvret, Principal of Jack Cook, is offering French language classes

Beginning date: Oct 4, 2011

Time:Every Tuesday, beginer's class from 6:30 to 7:30pm, and intermediate from 7:30 to 8:30pm

Location:Ecole Jack Cook

Cost:$75/person, with payment received by Sept 30th, at Ecole Jack Cook, cheques made out to "Renee Syvret"

Class duration:10 weeks

Info: Call Renee at home at 635-3940

This schedule is proposed, but if a majority of students would prefer another date/time she may be able to shuffle things.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CPF Terrace Membership Drive Skating Party

What: CPF Terrace Membership Drive Skating Party

When: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Where: Hidber Ice, Terrace Arena/Sportsplex

Who: All French Immersion and Ecole Jack Cook students and their families, K-12

Why: Have Fun and Discover CPF Terrace

Please Bring: A helmet, skates (a limited number will be available to borrow free of charge).

How to Enter to Win a Prize: Bring your completed CPF membership form and payment to enter the Early Bird Draw. You could win a French-English electronic dictionary and other prizes.

More Info or to Volunteer: Contact Dina von Hahn at

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Reading Pays off....

Reading in French paid off for 11 year old Aurora Peden of Ecole Mountainview. Peden was the top French Reader in this year's Summer Reading Club at the Terrace Public Library. She won an electronic French-English dictionary donated by the Canadian Parents for French, and a Misty River Books gift certificate donated by the library. This year's Summer Reading Club boasted over 300 participants, with many of them reading in French thanks to a partnership between the library and CPF Terrace. (photo by Kathleen Simms)