Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
June 21, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Kari Eisner, Linda Wilson, Carolyn DeFreitas , Julie Livgard, Emily Suderman .

Call to order: 7:15
Welcome new members and brief discussion around CPF’s mandate.

Minutes of last meeting – approved and seconded.
President’s Report :

Welcomed new executive.
The BC Gaming application was filed, $2,500 was requested.

The Kindergarten orientation went well.  There were 3 different sessions and a representative from CPF gave a short presentation at each of them.  Currently, there are 29 children registered for Sept.2012
Carolyn has spoken to Suzanne Dorais and her daughter as well as Mme. Bégin about redoing the Bonhomme costume.    Mme. Bégin has agreed to take on a student helper (Suzanne’s daughter, a grade 9 French Immersion student) to redo the Bonhomme costume over the summer.

The arena cannot be booked until the beginning of August.  Linda has agreed to book the arena in August for the Welcome Back Skating Party on Sept. 23/12.
Renee Sevret from Jack Cook, will be offering French language classes again starting in Sept. 2012.

Terrace Parks and Rec.  are holding a French summer camp at the beginning of July.  They currently have 21 children registered with 5 + on the wait list.  It will be held at Jack Cook School.  In support of the camp, at the end of the week CPF will be presenting  the children with a certificate of completion, a CPF  application form and a gift certificate for Chills.
Sociocultural Grants – our chapter is now able to apply for a sociocultural grant retroactively for Cabane A Sucre and Marc Tardiff the Magician. 

A backpack notice home will be sent home before the end of the school year thanking parents for their help this year, reminding them of the summer reading book club, the French activities at the library and of the Welcome Back Skating Party in the fall. 
Treasurer’s Report:

The gaming account currently has $965.77.  There has been no movement with this account during the month of June.  There is $2963.92 in the general account.  We received payment for a Socio Cultural Grant for the Family Dance of $469.73.
Secretary’s Report : Our chapter is up to date with all of the reports required by CPF.  Both the Chapter Information Form and the Chapter Annual Summary of Activities were completed and submitted this month as well as the AGM minutes and the necessary financial documentation. 

Director’s Report:
Garage Sale – Julie reported that the garage sale raised $315.00, on target for the amount we were hoping to raise.  Overall, it went well although there were many items leftover.  The following suggestions were made for next year:

·        Send a notice home in the children’s back pack the day before

·        Set up the garage sale closer to the road, if weather allows

·        Open the garage sale to CPF families the night prior to opening the sale to the public

Grad Report – Dina’s report was discussed.  Shannon Walker organized a grad luncheon for the Caledonia graduates on June 12, 2012 at Flavors (Cafenara). She also hosted a luncheon for the Skeena grads at her house where the kids where Dina presented their sweatshirts from CPF. Dina is giving out 2 CPF Grade 12 awards this evening.

New Business
CPF Conference - The CPF BC &Yukon Branch AGM is being held in Ottawa this year on Oct.17-19, 2012.  The cost for attending is $750.00, with a $250.00 rebate from CPF, our cost then $500.00.  Discussion ensued around the pro’s and con’s of attending the conference.  The decision was made by the members to forgo the conference this year due to the high cost and the time away required.

Summer Reading Club – Dina and Carolyn will be adding gift certificates for Chills to the books and prizes that the children in the Summer Reading Club can win.  Discussion around possible prizes for the future.  The library is planning to hold a few French activities this summer as well. 
Welcome Back Skating Party – Kari and Julie have agreed to help organize this activity.  Dina will work the registration/membership table and coordinate teen volunteers. Flo will be asked to run the canteen. Others will fill in as needed.

Fall Fundraiser - The suggestion of a Fall Fundraiser to be held in November was raised.  This would replace the Family Dance that was held in years past.  It could include a dinner, catered by NWCC Culinary Arts Program, fair-like games and an Usborne book fair. The event location could be other than the EMV gym.
Information/Resource Guide - The suggestion was made to have a “Welcome Wagon Resource Guide” for parents.  This would be a small booklet with suggestions of helpful websites for French/English translation, French pronunciation guide, basic verbs, glossary of school terms (eg: NID), etc.  Suggestions can be passed along to Carolyn.  

French Entertainers – There is money for this, (Socio Cultural Grants), so if anyone has any suggestions they are welcome to bring them forward.
Teacher Appreciation Event –This is usually held in December.  Carolyn will approach Flo to see if she is willing to organize this again next year.

Cabane A Sucre – Carolyn and Julie have agreed to organize this next year. The suggestion was made to try to encourage high school students to assist with this and similar activities throughout the year.
Concours –This will be held in April 2013 and it is Terrace’s turn to host this event.  Dina has volunteered to organize this and Emily is willing to help her.  Some discussion whether Concours could be part of the Pacific Northwest Music Festival.

Early Years Fair – Will recruit volunteers for this closer to the date.
Garage Sale – Julie and Linda have agreed to volunteer for this.  It will likely be held in May 2013.

Movie Night - The suggestion was made to have a Movie Night in the fall with popcorn.
Any new suggestions for fundraisers and activities are welcome. 

 Social Media – currently our Chapter has a blog which is not well used.  Linda is willing to set up a CPF Facebook page for our Chapter.  Discussion around the pro’s and con’s of using Facebook in particular the use of photo’s.  Discussion to continue at next meeting. 
Meeting Dates and Locations: 

Our meetings will continue to be the 4th Tuesday of every month except for the first meeting of the year which will be held on Sept. 11, 2012 – this will be a Skating Planning Party.  We will continue to rotate our meetings around to each school.  Our next CPF General Meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012 at Ecole Mountainview  - 7:00 pm.

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