Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
October 29, 2012
Meeting Minutes

 In attendance:  Kari Eisner, Patrick Witwicki, Carolyn DeFreitas , Julie Livgard, Dina VonHahn, Chantel Maheux (Jack Cook Representative), Renee Syvret, Alison Forget
Call to Order:  7:07pm

Approval of Minutes –approved, seconded and carried

Principal Report – Renee Syvret, Ecole Jack Cook
Ecole Jack Cook currently has 35 pupils which have been divided into 3 classes - a Kindergarten/ grade 1 class, a grade 2/3, and a grade 4,5,6,7 class.  Renee has one staff member on sick leave, and a new teacher from Africa is filling in.

Renee is still teaching French Classes for adults on Tuesday evenings.  The Beginners Class is from 6:30 – 7:30 pm and Conversational French is from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.  Anyone is welcome to join at any time although classes do run for 10 week sessions.
President’s Report:

Our chapter applied for 7 socio-cultural grants last month.  In order of preference they include:

1.      Caban A Sucre - March 3, 2013 - $962.50

2.      Concours - March 2, 2013 - $550.00

3.      French Cultural Night - $540.00

4.      Idelaire - $175.00

5.      French Entertainer - $900.00

6.      Skating Party - September - $100.00

7.      French Camp - $275.00 – CPF to sponsor an event or activity during the camp.

The Movie Night was held on Friday October 26, 2013. Two movies were available for the children to watch and it was a success. Our chapter made just over $300.00 in donations at the door and $200 at the canteen. Canteen supplies cost approximately $100.00, so net profit is $400.00. There were 74 children present.
French Entertainer/French Cultural Event – Carolyn has been in contact with Angela Roy.  Angela is from Vernon and does workshops with children in their schools. She is in Smithers the last week of November and the following week she will be in Hazelton so she has agreed to perform an opening set Dec. 1 for our French Cultural Event - 1  hour performance will cost $200.00 and one night in hotel will be $150.00. 

Bilingual members of the Copper Mountain String Band will head line our afternoon. Carnival games and crepes will be for sale during the intermission. The event will be held at Ecole Jack Cook, from 1-4pm. Carnival games could include a fishpond, bean bag toss, penny toss, a “guess how many” game, etc. 
A planning meeting will be held on Saturday, November 10 at 2 pm at Ecole Jack Cook. 

Treasurer Report:
Linda was away due to a family emergency. Carolyn reported that our chapter has approximately $2500.00 in our gaming account and approximately $4200 in our general account.

Secretary’s Report:
A reminder to everyone that volunteer hours need to be submitted monthly.

Directors Report:
Concours – is being organized by Dina and plans are underway. 

Our chapter still has money to spend from the Book Reserve. 
Dina – requested our chapter consider boosting its scholarship fund in the future. 

We currently have 4 exchange students at Cal right now.  4 students from our district will be going to Quebec in the spring.
Regional French Entertainer’s:

Angela Roy will be in Terrace Jan. 14-18, 2012. She has proposed spending 1 day at Jack Cook and 3 at Ecole Mountainview.  She is willing to do two 45 min. workshops for each class plus a school performance and a community performance.  Charges would include - $200.00 for travel, $150.00 per day for 3 days, the school assembly would be $150.00, a community performance would be $150.00, $8.00 per child for the first workshop, $4.00 for the second workshop for a total of $2600.00.  She has requested a deposit of $750.00 by Nov.1 if our Chapter is interested.  Discussion ensued around this request. 
Motion made to approve in principle Angela Roy working with the students at Ecole Mountainview in January 2013 pending details being worked out with the school prior to us paying an appropriate deposit.  Seconded and Carried. 

Holly Arntzen, Art Response Team – Hazelton CPF is trying to bring this performer in for May 2013 – there is a possibility of our Chapter partnering with the Hazelton Chapter to make this possible.
New Business:

First Aid – Ecole Jack Cook is looking into the possibility of holding a First Aid course for grade 6,7 students in January.
Kitimat CPF would like to hold a Year End Rap Up Party in June at Lakelse Lake.  They are looking for a presenter to participate in this activity (bilingual biologist?) and all students studying French will be invited to attend. 

Roles to fill for 2012/2013 -  to be tabled until next meeting. 
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 27 at Skeena Middle School, 7pm.

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