Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

November 22, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Canadian Parents for French
November 22, 2011
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina von Hahn, Flo Sheppard, Carolyn DeFreitas, Terri Bowles, Julie Livgard, Kari Eisner. Minutes taken by Kari Eisner.

Call to order: 5:20 pm

Introductions were done.

Minutes from last meeting approved.   Corina Cleveland has agreed to be the representative for Ecole Jack Cook.

President's Report:  To be discussed under agenda items.

Treasure’s Report:   

Approximately $2,750.00 was raised at the Family Dance.  Our expenditures for the Family Dance were approximately $500.00 

Our chapter recently received $1,603.00 from CPF BC in membership rebates from the past two years.

The $2,500.00 that our chapter donated for a planned trip to France by Skeena students last summer has been returned to us by Skeena Junior Secondary School because the trip did not take place.

Principals Report: Dina distributed a copy of Maxine Champion’s report to the members.

Old Business


Carolyn recently attended the CPF AGM.  She reported that she enjoyed herself and networked with many people including the representative of the Kitimat chapter.

She attended a presentation about summer camps which was put on by the Campbell River chapter.  Carolyn will contact the Campbell River chapter to get a copy of their presentation as it outlines the “How Tos” of starting a summer camp.

Many ideas were discussed throughout the AGM including the use of social media to promote CPF.

Family Dance:          

Dina is working on compiling a “Thank You” list for all the people and businesses that contributed to the dance.


Nineteen surveys were returned, all with positive feedback.

Changes to consider for next year include:  more seating, prizes for everyone, more lighting in the gym, the use of French music for the cake walk, and lower games ticket prices. 

Sociocultural Grant Application:

Our chapter recently applied to CPF BC for two Sociocultural grants.  The first was for $425.00 to help cover the cost of the Family Dance, but the amount we receive, if approved, will be lower because we can only receive 50 per cent of our expenses.  The second is for Idelaire, the French author program that is coming in April. We have applied for $175.00. 

Unfortunately, we missed the deadline to apply for a sociocultural grant to help cover the cost of “Just Aissie – Just Gumboots”.  If CPF opens up applications a second time, we will apply for  to help cover the costs of this performer’s visit.

A motion was made that the Terrace Chapter of CPF will fund the entertainer “Just Aissie” for up to $1,000.00 for a visit to Ecole Mountainview in February.  S/C.

Scholastic Book Fair: 

Plans for the Book Fair are going well.  We are still looking for volunteers.  It is to be held on Wednesday November 30, 2011 from 1-8 pm.

CPF will be buying approx. $500.00 worth of books/equipment for the Terrace Public Library from the Book Fair. 

Carolyn & Dina will be meeting with Jess Dafoe and representatives from the library to discuss what type of purchases they recommend.

New Business:

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: 

This has been moved to January 2012.

Flo has requested a quote from Cafenara for 20 – 25 people and is waiting to hear back. Ideas for the menu were discussed as well as the idea of small gifts of appreciation for the teachers. 

Terri mentioned that Ecole Mountainview’s PAC might be willing to share in the cost of the event once we have a better idea of the amount. 

Student Travel: 

In addition to the $2,500.00 that was returned to our Chapter from the junior and high school students France travel fund, we also received an additional $1,200.00. This money was raised by the students through a raffle under the CPF Gaming licence and therefore the money was returned to our Chapter. 

Discussion was held as to what should be done with the money.  It was agreed that the money could be used to purchase sweatshirts with Caledonia and CPF logos on it and given to the French Immersion students leaving Skeena and entering Caledonia.  Dina to look into the cost of sweatshirts and logos.

Cabane a Sucre:

Julie has agreed to be our Cabane a Sucre Coordinator.  Erin Dunbar is willing to help with this event as well.

Carolyn mentioned that Kitimat’s CPF Chapter is interested in partnering with us for this event. 

Discussed the idea of holding Cabane a Sucre at Onion Lake and partnering with the Cross Country Ski Club or possibly at the lake.

Julie, Carolyn and Erin to meet and discuss further ideas.

Library Reading Time:

Ereka Roach from the Terrace Public Library is willing to do a French Winter Storytime.  It was suggested that it be held one afternoon early in the Christmas Break from 1- 3 pm with a story and craft for students from Kindergarten to grade 4.

Carolyn to discuss the idea further with Ereka. 

CPF Newsletter:  The CPF Newsletter that was sent out last night looked great.  Thanks to Nancy Stone-Archer and Dina for all their hard work!

Spring Fundraiser:

The idea of holding a garage sale in the spring as a fundraiser was brought up. 

Notice of Motion:

Dina made a notice of motion to spend approximately $1,400.00 to purchase 300 grad pins, as there are only 10 or so left.  We will vote on this motion at our January meeting.

Christmas Cards for Teachers:

The suggestion was made to make Christmas cards for all of the teachers.  Dina will make a list of teachers and this idea will be discussed further through email. 

Adjournment:  7:10 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at Skeena Junior Secondary.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Merci Beaucoup!

CPF Terrace is happy to report that our November 18 Community Family Dance was a great success, providing fun for families and raising funds to promote French language and culture in our schools and in the community!
We'd like to give a hearty thank you to everyone who volunteered time, whether that was baking cakes for the cake walk, collecting Silent Auction donations, setting up tables and games, working at the door, canteen, or carnival games, preparing Silent Auction gift baskets, picking up supplies, planning activities, cleaning up after the event, taking family and event photos, or any other donation of time and effort made.
We also thank all those who attended the dance and bought tickets for food, games, family portrait, or the cake walk. Thank you for bidding on and buying Silent Auction items. (Watch for our upcoming ad in local media thanking all those businesses who generously donated these items). We hope you had fun, and judging by the Audience Surveys we received back, you did!
Thank you as well to our teen volunteers from local secondary schools, and everyone who works at Ecole Mountainview. Finally, thank you to Ecole Mountainview students and parents who donated for our classroom Silent Auction Gift Baskets. You raised $263! Well Done!
If anyone has inadvertently been left out of these thank yous, our apologies and know that we appreciate you. Merci Beaucoup!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Meeting change

Our November meeting will now take place at 5 p.m. at Cafenara. This is to give parents a chance to also attend the Elementary Band Meeting at 7 p.m. at St. Matthews Anglican Church. Both meetings are this Tuesday, November 22.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Volunteers needed......................

Volunteers are still needed for our Family Dance this Friday. If you can help, please contact . Either way, we look forward to seeing you there for family fun!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Canadian Parents for French
October 25, 2011
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina von Hahn, Patrick Witwicki, Flo Sheppard, Carolyn DeFreitas, Trish Franceour, Renee Syvret, Kari Eisner
Late arrival – Lyne Watt

Call to order: 7:05 pm

Introductions were done.

Minutes from last meeting approved.

President's Report:  Dina, Terri & Josiane worked very hard to resubmit the Gaming application.  It is currently unknown whether or not the application will be approved.
Plans for the Family Dance are still moving forward.

Principals Report - Renee Syvret, Ecole Jack Cook: 

Ecole Jack Cook is always looking for joint opportunities to work together with different schools.

Renee went over the Scholastic Book Form, discussed which books she recommended and returned the form to Carolyn.

If any CPF members have information they would like to share with Ecole Jack Cook, the best way to communicate it is by emailing Renee with the attachment and she will distribute it to the school.

Renee is currently teaching French Classes for adults.
  • Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30 French Beginner
  • Tuesday 7:30 – 8:30 Intermediate Class – French Conversation
Classes are going well.  She is considering running another class in January so if anyone is interested they can leave their name and number with her. 

The French entertainer “Just Aissie – Just Gumboots” has agreed to come to Terrace during the week of Feb. 13-17, 2012 to do 2 separate workshops.  It will cost $1300.00 plus travel from Vancouver.  The entertainer travels alone and is willing to billet with a family.
Renee has approached CPF to contribute $650.00 for the workshop.  CPF is considering this as an option and will let her now in the next few weeks.

Ecole Jack  Cook recently held a Spaghetti dinner.  It was a huge success and they are considering holding another one in the new year.

Discussed the possibility of holding a French Summer Camp in 2012.  Renee will approach the Recreational Dept.  at the city about the possibility of a French Summer  Camp.

Currently Ecole Jack Cook is offering an “After School Activity Program” from 3:05 – 5:20 pm.  The children get a snack, do their homework and have some time for physical activities.  This was approved through the LINKS program and has proven to be a success thus far.

According to the Jack Cook School Board, the children at Ecole Jack Cook have the option to stay at the school until the end of grade 7 before transferring to Skeena.  Renee feels that both the parents and the children will prefer to do this rather than moving to Skeena at the end of grade 6.

Old Business

Parent Representative - CPF is still looking for a representative from Skeena, Caledonia and Ecole Jack Cook.  Renee will ask around and see if anyone is interested from Ecole Jack Cook and we will continue to look for one from Skeena and Caledonia. 

Membership Drive - will continue until Oct. 31, 2011. We have only received 2 new memberships since the skating party.

CPF BC AGM – Nov. 4 – 6, 2011.  Carolyn is going to attend as a representative for the Terrace Chapter. 

Family Dance – Lyne distributed an example of the poster and the volunteer sign up sheet at the meeting – it looks great!  The poster is ready to be distributed and the radio & newspaper have been informed of the dance.  The majority of the marketing has been taken care of.

Rob McEvoy and his daughter have agreed to canvass various businesses in the community for support.

We will be having a photo booth, silent auction, cake walk and canteen at the dance. 

Volunteers are still needed for the dance.

Rob McEvoy has agreed to be MC for the dance.

We still need to figure out where/how everything will be held at the school (physical space). 

Sociocultural Grant Application – Not discussed.

Scholastic Book Fair – Not discussed.

New Business

AFFNO – Patrick explained the role of AFFNO and his role as Executive Director.

 AFFNO is trying to do more with the CORE French programs at the schools as well as the new French Immersions programs which are being established. They also provide support to both the Francophone and Francophile families and students in the community. 

AFFNO has partnered with CPF in the past to hold Caban A Sucre and there is a possibility that they could provide some financial support if the Terrace chapter decides to hold one again. 

Similar to the Terrace CPF chapter, AFFNO is also struggling with cuts to their gaming funds although they did receive some funds and would consider helping CPF (Terrace Chapter) with the purchase of library books. 

AFFNO has a Le Lien Culturel (Cultural Link) which is a mobile library for children to choose French books and DVD’s from.  It will be coming around to the Terrace schools in the near future. Children do not need an AFFNO membership to access books or DVD’s from the library.

An AFFNO membership costs $5.00 per year and with it you will receive 6 e-newsletters a year, 2 printed newsletters per year, and access to the lending library.

On Saturday Nov.12/11 they will be hosting a Murder Mystery fundraiser in Prince Rupert.  This fundraiser includes a dessert auction and will be performed in English.

Student Event and Travel Opportunities – not discussed.

Teacher Appreciation – not discussed.

Adjournment:  9:00 pm

Next Meeting:  November  22, 2011 at Ecole Mountainview.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

5th Annual Community Family Dance

Mark Your Calendars and Spread the Word for our 5th Annual Community Family Dance! This Canadian Parents for French fundraiser hosts a family dance, photo booth, carnival games, silent auction & more. It all happens

Friday, November 18th, 2011, 

6-9pm at Ecole Mountainview

(3505 Bailey Street, Terrace)

Entry fee: 

$2/family (CPF members)

$5/family (non-members)

Game tickets:

.50ea or 12/$5

We'll need helpers on the big night. Grab a one hour shift at your favourite activity by signing up at the Ecole Mountainview office or contacting one of the following coordinators:

Games - Nita Back

Canteen - Lyne Watt

Door/Admissions - Dina von Hahn

Bakers for the Cake Walk please contact Trish Francoeur at

To help prepare Silent Auction gift baskets contact Carolyn DeFreitas at

A big thank you to Rob and Aliah McEvoy who are canvassing for Silent Auction items in the community. If you would like to donate an item or know of a business or individual who would like to, contact Rob at

Silent auction bidding will open at 6pm and close at 8pm (Sharp)

Please note: any unclaimed items by the third call will be rewarded to the next bidder. 

Cash is the only method of payment available.

Thanks in advance, and see you there!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bonjour Bonhomme!

Bonhomme delighted young and old at the recent CPF Terrace Membership Drive Skating Party held at Hidber Arena. Families enjoyed free skating, home baked snacks and games on and off the ice at the two hour event designed to increase awareness and membership in the CPF. Lucky winners of the new/renewed membership draw were Morie Gracey, who won an electronic French-English dictionary, Natasha Partel, who won a French language CD, and Angela Rabut, Bonnie Ziebarth and Julie Livgard, who all won French language books. Thanks from CPF Terrace to all those who helped at the event, and to those who renewed memberships or joined for the first time.

The membership drive continues to October 31, so start or renew your membership today to enter our final membersip drive prize draw. Contact your school or any CPF Terrace executive member to get a membership form, or to drop one off with your payment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

General Meeting, September 27, 2011 Agenda and Minutes

Canadian Parents for French, Terrace
General Meeting, September 27, 2011
Agenda and Minutes
Carolyn De Freitas, Julie Livgard, Maxine Champion, Dina von Hahn, Josiane Biggs, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard (recorder), Lyne Watt

Call to Order
7:07 pm

Approval of June General Meeting Minutes
Approval of Agenda
·    Carolyn moved to add item:  search for liaison at other schools (Jack Cook, Skeena, Caledonia)
·    Lyne – fundraising – decals on labels (Campbell’s parent company); Terri to share with PAC
Presidents Report – Chapter Status, Schedules, Program Info
·    We are a chapter in good standing, in great part to Terri and Kari’s efforts!
·    Awaiting response from CPF re remittance of membership fees
·    Deposit fees collected into CPF account and Terri will write a cheque to head office
·    Total membership fees need to be in Ottawa by Nov 15th
·    Dina (and Carolyn) met with many of the students at all 3 FI schools in Terrace
·    Discussed arising issues in high school (e.g. technological issues with distance courses).  Dina to follow up with Cam McKay and/or Agnes Casgrain. 
Treasurer’s Report – Financial statements
·    Reviewed financial statements
·    Bad news:  (1)  $219 + $14 in our general account; (2)  we were denied a gaming grant because we have >50% of last year’s grant still in our account and we have an ineligible program (need to “beef up” our focus on youth); Josiane will contest decision; M/S/C to add a restricted reserve fund for enhancing local French library (literature, recreational fiction, nonfiction, magazine subscriptions & reference books) supports for youth
·    Good news:  our bingo account has $4, 690.37 as of the reporting period (Aug 2011)
Secretary’s Report – please tally volunteer hours from June to end of September
·    Terri – 16 hours
·    Josiane – 61.25 hours
·    Flo – 10 hours
Principal’s Report – EMV, Maxine Champion
·    161 students registered
·    Extra kindergarten class plus new students in other grades:  6 students from Jack Cook, some from out of town
·    2 kindergarten classes (13 each)
·    Straight grades:  1, 2, 3, 4
·    Split 5/6 and 6/7
·    Terry Fox run on Sept 28th after lunch
·    Staffing:  still looking for a replacement for Mme. Fortin; new staff member Mme Seguin (from Victoria); Mme. Hanna has returned;
·    Music offered to K – 5/6 and band to 6/7
June Recognition Activities
·    Dina will get EMV plaque engraved
Summer Reading Club - Carolyn
·    24 children read in French; 1/3 of readers were non-French students
·    Plan to recognize the top readers at a future school assembly
Skating Party/Membership Drive – Josiane
·    Dina to draft a thank you letter for the teen volunteers.  Josiane to proof.  Elementary school student volunteers to get a certificate.  Adults to get a general thank you.
·    Positive feedback from participants that the event was free (skating and snack)
·    Suggestion to host a swim party
·    Received 23 new memberships or renewals  with more anticipated
·    Suggestions for next year:  have a sign in sheet for participants to get a count, identify who were FI, Jack Cook, CPF membership; have change rooms locked up; each person to get a ticket to visit the canteen; have more signage to inform participants about the additional activities in the arena banquet room; formally invite the teachers
·    Membership prize draws:  Natasha Partel (French Playground cd), Bonnie Ziebarth (1000 First Words in French book), Julie Livgard (Lili la vache book), Angela Rabut (Pierre et les pirates book), Morie Gracey (Sharp electronic dictionary); kids will be called on the PA to collect prizes
Scrapbook – Stella Peden
·    M/S/C to give $20 honorarium to Stella to cover scrapbook supplies
French Language Classes, October 4-Dec 13
·    Contact Renee Syvret at Ecole Jack Cook for more information
CPF BC AGM November, 2011
·    We are entitled to send three delegates
Family Dance – Nov 18, Lyne Watt
·    Request for donations for themed baskets; donations to be dropped off at the office due to teacher job action;
·    M/S/C a budget of $1000 (DJ, concession, advertising)
·    Ted Taylor (parent) may be able to help with advertising
·    Request Rob McEvoy to coordinate donations
Book Fair – Nov 29? And 30, Souad Gabriel
·    Run from end of school day to 7 pm on Nov 30  (or as much time possible with available volunteers)
·    Decision to go with usual volume of books from Scholastic
Teacher Appreciation – December, Flo Sheppard
·    Not discussed
Carnaval - January
·    Not discussed
Film Festival
·    Not discussed
Caban a Sucre –
·    Not discussed
Concours – March
·    Not discussed
Spring Event –
·    Not discussed
Early Years Fair – May
·    Not discussed
Liaison at Jack Cook
·    Not discussed.  Table to next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9 pm

Future Meeting Dates, Places and Themes

October 25, Ecole Jack Cook, 7 p.m.
November 22, Ecole Mountainview 7 p.m.
January 24, Skeena Junior Secondary, -  FI Middle School Program
February 28, Caledonia Senior Secondary,  - FI Graduation Program, Scholarships
March 27, Ecole Mountainview
April 24, Ecole Jack Cook
May 22, Ecole Mountainview, AGM
June 26, TBA