Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


MAY 18, 2011
In attendance: Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Maxine Champion, Terri Bowles, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Kari Eisner, Flo Sheppard, Dina von Hahn, Carolyn DeFreitas,
Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Secretary Report: No minutes from April since there was an Open House held instead of an April meeting.

President’s Report: Lorelle reviewed summary of year’s events.

Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $986.70 in the Operating account and $6,312.54 in the Bingo account.
-Reviewed and made changes to the budget for next year.

Fundraising Report: There was no fundraising done this year.

Old Business: In the future, when CPF wants to allocate money for student exchanges or field trips, we need to state a minimum and maximum number of participants before the money is donated.
-Shannon Walker has volunteered to organize the grad luncheon this year as well as the pins for the grads and the scholarship. There are four students graduating from French Immersion this year. Terri will phone Robin Mcloed at Caledonia regarding the scholarship account.

New Business: CPF executive needs to list criteria for the CPF Award and then the Ecole Mountainview staff and administration will choose the recipient.
-Terri will purchase $50 gift cards for Corina Cleveland and Maxine Champion for their help with the Homework Club this year.
-Lorelle to bring the CPF filing cabinet to the school.
-Lorelle and Ginny left the meeting before the elections. Ana ran the executive election and the results were as follows:
Chair – Dina von Hahn
Vice-Chair –
Treasurer – Terri Bowles
Secretary – Kari Eisner
Directors at large – Flo Sheppard
Carolyn DeFreitas
Brita Nordeen

-For next year, suggestions were made to:
-rotate meetings at Skeena, Cal and Mountainview to encourage CPF participation from other schools
-complete any exit surveys of students leaving the program
-to recognize the advancements made in the program and to thank the District
-to encourage participation in FIAC (French Immersion Advisory Committee). Dina will start this process.

Adjournment 8:30pm

Next Meeting: June 15th @ 7:30pm

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