Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


JUNE 2, 2011
In attendance: Dina von Hahn, Terri Bowles, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Kari Eisner, Flo Sheppard, Carolyn DeFreitas,
Minutes taken by: Kari Eisner

President’s Report: Dina presented CPF’s Mission Statement. Handed out duties for each role in Executive. Went over agenda. Distributed letter that will be sent home to the children introducing the new executive and encouraging CPF involvement.
Treasurer’s Report: The signing authority on the bank account will need to be changed as a result of the new Executive. Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nita Back and Ginny Kenmuir will be removed and Flo Sheppard, Dina von Hahn and Kari Eisner will be added. Terri Bowles will stay as a signing authority.
Motioned by Terri.
Seconded by Dina.

Terri will contact the bank to determine the process required to do this and contact others.

New budget was presented by Terri. Changes were made to balance the revenue and expenses. Motion made by Dina to approve the Budget 2011/2012. Flo seconded. Carried. Finalized budget is attached.

Old Business:

Dina spoke to Shannon re. the pins for the grads as well as the grad luncheon. Shannon has ordered the grad pins and was awaiting direction around the luncheon. Dina will contact Shannon about organizing the grad luncheon.

Flo will email Maxine about the award criteria, plaque and engraving.

New Business:

Dina made a motion to recognize the retirement of 2 French Immersion teachers (Urs Gassier & Estelle Mitchell) with a $50.00 gift certificate each from the Spotted Horse Garden Centre and an ad in the newspaper recognizing their work. Carolyn seconded. Carried.

Kari went over the paperwork that needs to be completed by Aug.1, 2011 in order to keep the chapter in good standing with CPF. These include:
• Chapter information form
• Chapter Annual Summary of Activities
• Volunteer Hours (must be submitted quarterly)
• Financial Statements of the year ending March 31st
• Budget for the upcoming fiscal year

Dina will be doing a short presentation to the parents of the future kindergarten students. She will also be distributing a short letter introducing the new Executive of CPF and explaining the role of CPF.

Dina will contact Brent Speidel, Director of Instruction responsible for French Immersion to introduce him to the new executive and to thank him for his support.

Dina will call CPF to discuss ways of rebuilding the CPF Chapter in Terrace and to obtain a current membership list.

CPF Meetings will be changed in the fall. Starting in Sept. the meetings will be held the last Tuesday of every month. One meeting will be held in Aug. to go through the CPF filing cabinet. Date and time to be determined June 15, 2011.

Terri Bowles currently has the key for the mailbox.

Brainstormed Ideas to increase CPF Involvement in the community:
• Discussed possibility of summer camp in the future
• Summer Reading program in conjunction with the Terrace Public Library
• French Film Festival
• Movie Night
• French Immersion Week/French Celebration Week
• Cabane a Sucre
• Parent Resource – Speaker Series: How to support French Immersion Students at Home; Answering what Happens with French Immersion Later On; University Programs.
• Language Classes for Parents.

Adjournment: 9:15 pm

Next Meeting: June 15, 2011

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