Promoting and supporting educational opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use the French language.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Terrace Chapter of the Canadian Parents for French is excited to present our Festival de Famille (Family Festival). Angela Roy ( is a bilingual performer who uses world beats and rythyms in her performances. Also Les Copains du Nord, a group of local string performers will be playing traditional Quebecois, Acadian and Cajun music.

 In addition to music and dancing, there will les jeux (games), les crepes & les boissons (crepes and drinks), et photos avec Bon Homme.

For more information, please contact Linda Wilson.

Admission is by donation to the Canadian Parents for French - Terrace Chapter

Canadian Parents for French
October 29, 2012
Meeting Minutes

 In attendance:  Kari Eisner, Patrick Witwicki, Carolyn DeFreitas , Julie Livgard, Dina VonHahn, Chantel Maheux (Jack Cook Representative), Renee Syvret, Alison Forget
Call to Order:  7:07pm

Approval of Minutes –approved, seconded and carried

Principal Report – Renee Syvret, Ecole Jack Cook
Ecole Jack Cook currently has 35 pupils which have been divided into 3 classes - a Kindergarten/ grade 1 class, a grade 2/3, and a grade 4,5,6,7 class.  Renee has one staff member on sick leave, and a new teacher from Africa is filling in.

Renee is still teaching French Classes for adults on Tuesday evenings.  The Beginners Class is from 6:30 – 7:30 pm and Conversational French is from 7:30 – 8:30 pm.  Anyone is welcome to join at any time although classes do run for 10 week sessions.
President’s Report:

Our chapter applied for 7 socio-cultural grants last month.  In order of preference they include:

1.      Caban A Sucre - March 3, 2013 - $962.50

2.      Concours - March 2, 2013 - $550.00

3.      French Cultural Night - $540.00

4.      Idelaire - $175.00

5.      French Entertainer - $900.00

6.      Skating Party - September - $100.00

7.      French Camp - $275.00 – CPF to sponsor an event or activity during the camp.

The Movie Night was held on Friday October 26, 2013. Two movies were available for the children to watch and it was a success. Our chapter made just over $300.00 in donations at the door and $200 at the canteen. Canteen supplies cost approximately $100.00, so net profit is $400.00. There were 74 children present.
French Entertainer/French Cultural Event – Carolyn has been in contact with Angela Roy.  Angela is from Vernon and does workshops with children in their schools. She is in Smithers the last week of November and the following week she will be in Hazelton so she has agreed to perform an opening set Dec. 1 for our French Cultural Event - 1  hour performance will cost $200.00 and one night in hotel will be $150.00. 

Bilingual members of the Copper Mountain String Band will head line our afternoon. Carnival games and crepes will be for sale during the intermission. The event will be held at Ecole Jack Cook, from 1-4pm. Carnival games could include a fishpond, bean bag toss, penny toss, a “guess how many” game, etc. 
A planning meeting will be held on Saturday, November 10 at 2 pm at Ecole Jack Cook. 

Treasurer Report:
Linda was away due to a family emergency. Carolyn reported that our chapter has approximately $2500.00 in our gaming account and approximately $4200 in our general account.

Secretary’s Report:
A reminder to everyone that volunteer hours need to be submitted monthly.

Directors Report:
Concours – is being organized by Dina and plans are underway. 

Our chapter still has money to spend from the Book Reserve. 
Dina – requested our chapter consider boosting its scholarship fund in the future. 

We currently have 4 exchange students at Cal right now.  4 students from our district will be going to Quebec in the spring.
Regional French Entertainer’s:

Angela Roy will be in Terrace Jan. 14-18, 2012. She has proposed spending 1 day at Jack Cook and 3 at Ecole Mountainview.  She is willing to do two 45 min. workshops for each class plus a school performance and a community performance.  Charges would include - $200.00 for travel, $150.00 per day for 3 days, the school assembly would be $150.00, a community performance would be $150.00, $8.00 per child for the first workshop, $4.00 for the second workshop for a total of $2600.00.  She has requested a deposit of $750.00 by Nov.1 if our Chapter is interested.  Discussion ensued around this request. 
Motion made to approve in principle Angela Roy working with the students at Ecole Mountainview in January 2013 pending details being worked out with the school prior to us paying an appropriate deposit.  Seconded and Carried. 

Holly Arntzen, Art Response Team – Hazelton CPF is trying to bring this performer in for May 2013 – there is a possibility of our Chapter partnering with the Hazelton Chapter to make this possible.
New Business:

First Aid – Ecole Jack Cook is looking into the possibility of holding a First Aid course for grade 6,7 students in January.
Kitimat CPF would like to hold a Year End Rap Up Party in June at Lakelse Lake.  They are looking for a presenter to participate in this activity (bilingual biologist?) and all students studying French will be invited to attend. 

Roles to fill for 2012/2013 -  to be tabled until next meeting. 
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 27 at Skeena Middle School, 7pm.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
October 2, 2012
Meeting Minutes

 In attendance:  Kari Eisner, Linda Wilson, Carolyn DeFreitas , Julie Livgard, Dina VonHahn, Stella Peden, Tracey Fell, Chantel Maheux, Maxine Champion .
Call to order:  7:05
Introductions were done.

Minutes from June 21, 2012 meeting approved.

Principals Report - Maxine Champion, Ecole Mountainview
Ecole Mountainview currently has 151 students enrolled and 2 kindergarten classes this year, one with 13 students and one with 14.  They currently have a SA working at the school 10 hours /week. They are also providing learner support time 2 days per week.  This is provided within the classroom mostly.  Recently, a 10% Learning Assistant was also hired.  This is equivalent to 146 min./week or 1 morning per week and this individual will provide reading support to students.
Patrick Witwicki from AFFNO has provided Ecole Montainview students with French movies to rent.  They are available at the office if any students would like to view them.  They simply have to sign them out at the office and are allowed to keep them for 1 week. 
Photo day is on Thursday October 4, 2012.
Students in grades 4-6 will be attending an opera on Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 at the REM Lee Theatre.   
The school website is up and running.  CPF can have a link to it if we would like.  Both the grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes will have their own blogs.
There is a new music teacher – Fiona Robinson has started at Ecole Mountainview. 
Jeanette Ewald has also replaced Mme. Begin’s position as Fine Arts and Librarian.
President’s Report – see written report, Oct 2, 2012.
Treasurer Report – receipts still need to be submitted for the Skating Party held in September.  The skating party generated 6 new memberships.  Our chapter will see an 80% return on these memberships.  Our chapter received $2000.00 from BC Gaming. 
Secretary Report – a reminder that volunteer hours need to be submitted for July, August and Sept. from all members.
Directors Report:
Dina VonHahn – Returned EMV’s plaque with the recipients of the 2011/2012 “Prix de L’Ambassadeur de L’Immersion Francause” award engaved on it.  Discussion around creating a similar award for students in Jack Cook and Skeena. 
Dina also reported that there were 5 students who graduated from French Immersion this year.  Two students qualified for a scholarship from CPF, one received $900.00 and one received $500.00.
Motion made to provide Stella Pedan with an honorarium of $25.00 for scrapbooking supplies to supplement her current stock.  Motion S/C.  Thank you Stella for all your hard work.      
Julie Livgard, Welcome Back Skating Party – This year apples and oranges were provided at the skating party and just over $200.00 was spent.
New Business:
A motion was made to purchase a $100.00 gift certificate (maximum) to be offered as a thank you to Mme. Begin in recognition of her work on the Bonhomme costume.  Motion s/c.  Stella offered to make a Thank You card and Carolyn has agreed to deliver it to Mme. Begin within the next week.
Vice President – Our chapter must have one in order to maintain our status as an active chapter.  Linda has agreed to stand in as Vice President/Treasurer for now.
Review of Chapter Events:
Welcome Back Skating Party - complete.
October 2012 – The membership drive is finished at the end of October.  Therefore, it was suggested that a family movie night at EMV be held.  CPF members would be free, a nominal fee would be charged for non-members.  Air popcorn and water could be provided.  Parents will be required to attend with their children.  Discussion around having a CPF slideshow during intermission to encourage membership.  A backpack notice sent home will also include a membership form attached to the back of it.  EMV’s Movie Night will be held on the Friday Oct.26, 2012.  Everyone is welcome to come in pajama’s!  There will be gym mats, benches and chairs to sit on and a door prize draw for new members.  Further plans for the movie night were discussed.  Julie and Carolyn have agreed to plan this event. 
November  2012 -  CPF would like to hold some sort of Cultural Night in November.  Various ideas were discussed.  The possibility of approaching Skeena Diversity about a French culture night was brought up – brainstorming with them, Ecole Jack Cook and possibly the Metis Fiddlers was suggested.
December 2012 – Discussion around holding a Teacher Appreciation Night although this could also be held in January or February 2013.  Decision to be made regarding this at a later date. 
March 2013 – Cabane a Sucre – The Terrace Chapter will once again be partnering with the Kitimat Chapter and the plan is to hold it at the Nordic Cross Country Ski Club again.  Carolyn is planning to meet with the the Kitimat Chapter in the near future regarding the planning for this.  They are also looking into providing dog sled rides.
March 2013 – Concours will be hosted in Terrace this year.  Dina is looking into the possibility of holding it on Saturday March 9.  Dina to contact Caledonia Sr. Sec. and/or Skeena about booking the lecture theatre for this date.  Dina has agreed to plan this.
May 2013 – The possibility of holding another garage sale was suggested. Last year we made $350.00.  Tabled for further discussion.
July and August 2013 – Summer Reading Club – We hope to continue the French Summer Reading Club again next year. 
Book reserve money remains for Skeena ($800), Caledonia (<$300), and the Terrace Public Library (approx. $350). $800 book reserve money has not yet been designated, and could be offered on a first come first serve basis, to either Skeena, for CORE French resources, or the TPL for French collection shelving.
French Summer Camp 2013 – The French Summer Camp that was offered this summer went very well and hopefully the City of Terrace will hold one again in 2013.  CPF would like to be involved and assist with this as well.
In all events, CPF needs to try to connect the older French Immersion students with the younger FI students. 
CPF Conference in Prince George – Carolyn and Linda attended this conference last weekend.  Both women reported the conference was very informative and they were able to network with many other Chapters in the NW Region.  One of the suggestions that came was a speaker series about how parents can help their children in FI.  Various topics could include “Continuing French Beyond 3:00” or “How to Take it Beyond Computers”.  The speaker series would be an evening session so that parents could attend.  Maxine has agreed to discuss this idea with the teachers to see if any of them would be willing to assist with this.  This may be a project Maxine is able to deliver for us sometime in the new year.
Roles to be filled for 2012/2013 - to be discussed at next meeting.
Next Meeting – Monday Oct.29th at Ecole Jack Cook, 7pm.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
June 21, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Kari Eisner, Linda Wilson, Carolyn DeFreitas , Julie Livgard, Emily Suderman .

Call to order: 7:15
Welcome new members and brief discussion around CPF’s mandate.

Minutes of last meeting – approved and seconded.
President’s Report :

Welcomed new executive.
The BC Gaming application was filed, $2,500 was requested.

The Kindergarten orientation went well.  There were 3 different sessions and a representative from CPF gave a short presentation at each of them.  Currently, there are 29 children registered for Sept.2012
Carolyn has spoken to Suzanne Dorais and her daughter as well as Mme. Bégin about redoing the Bonhomme costume.    Mme. Bégin has agreed to take on a student helper (Suzanne’s daughter, a grade 9 French Immersion student) to redo the Bonhomme costume over the summer.

The arena cannot be booked until the beginning of August.  Linda has agreed to book the arena in August for the Welcome Back Skating Party on Sept. 23/12.
Renee Sevret from Jack Cook, will be offering French language classes again starting in Sept. 2012.

Terrace Parks and Rec.  are holding a French summer camp at the beginning of July.  They currently have 21 children registered with 5 + on the wait list.  It will be held at Jack Cook School.  In support of the camp, at the end of the week CPF will be presenting  the children with a certificate of completion, a CPF  application form and a gift certificate for Chills.
Sociocultural Grants – our chapter is now able to apply for a sociocultural grant retroactively for Cabane A Sucre and Marc Tardiff the Magician. 

A backpack notice home will be sent home before the end of the school year thanking parents for their help this year, reminding them of the summer reading book club, the French activities at the library and of the Welcome Back Skating Party in the fall. 
Treasurer’s Report:

The gaming account currently has $965.77.  There has been no movement with this account during the month of June.  There is $2963.92 in the general account.  We received payment for a Socio Cultural Grant for the Family Dance of $469.73.
Secretary’s Report : Our chapter is up to date with all of the reports required by CPF.  Both the Chapter Information Form and the Chapter Annual Summary of Activities were completed and submitted this month as well as the AGM minutes and the necessary financial documentation. 

Director’s Report:
Garage Sale – Julie reported that the garage sale raised $315.00, on target for the amount we were hoping to raise.  Overall, it went well although there were many items leftover.  The following suggestions were made for next year:

·        Send a notice home in the children’s back pack the day before

·        Set up the garage sale closer to the road, if weather allows

·        Open the garage sale to CPF families the night prior to opening the sale to the public

Grad Report – Dina’s report was discussed.  Shannon Walker organized a grad luncheon for the Caledonia graduates on June 12, 2012 at Flavors (Cafenara). She also hosted a luncheon for the Skeena grads at her house where the kids where Dina presented their sweatshirts from CPF. Dina is giving out 2 CPF Grade 12 awards this evening.

New Business
CPF Conference - The CPF BC &Yukon Branch AGM is being held in Ottawa this year on Oct.17-19, 2012.  The cost for attending is $750.00, with a $250.00 rebate from CPF, our cost then $500.00.  Discussion ensued around the pro’s and con’s of attending the conference.  The decision was made by the members to forgo the conference this year due to the high cost and the time away required.

Summer Reading Club – Dina and Carolyn will be adding gift certificates for Chills to the books and prizes that the children in the Summer Reading Club can win.  Discussion around possible prizes for the future.  The library is planning to hold a few French activities this summer as well. 
Welcome Back Skating Party – Kari and Julie have agreed to help organize this activity.  Dina will work the registration/membership table and coordinate teen volunteers. Flo will be asked to run the canteen. Others will fill in as needed.

Fall Fundraiser - The suggestion of a Fall Fundraiser to be held in November was raised.  This would replace the Family Dance that was held in years past.  It could include a dinner, catered by NWCC Culinary Arts Program, fair-like games and an Usborne book fair. The event location could be other than the EMV gym.
Information/Resource Guide - The suggestion was made to have a “Welcome Wagon Resource Guide” for parents.  This would be a small booklet with suggestions of helpful websites for French/English translation, French pronunciation guide, basic verbs, glossary of school terms (eg: NID), etc.  Suggestions can be passed along to Carolyn.  

French Entertainers – There is money for this, (Socio Cultural Grants), so if anyone has any suggestions they are welcome to bring them forward.
Teacher Appreciation Event –This is usually held in December.  Carolyn will approach Flo to see if she is willing to organize this again next year.

Cabane A Sucre – Carolyn and Julie have agreed to organize this next year. The suggestion was made to try to encourage high school students to assist with this and similar activities throughout the year.
Concours –This will be held in April 2013 and it is Terrace’s turn to host this event.  Dina has volunteered to organize this and Emily is willing to help her.  Some discussion whether Concours could be part of the Pacific Northwest Music Festival.

Early Years Fair – Will recruit volunteers for this closer to the date.
Garage Sale – Julie and Linda have agreed to volunteer for this.  It will likely be held in May 2013.

Movie Night - The suggestion was made to have a Movie Night in the fall with popcorn.
Any new suggestions for fundraisers and activities are welcome. 

 Social Media – currently our Chapter has a blog which is not well used.  Linda is willing to set up a CPF Facebook page for our Chapter.  Discussion around the pro’s and con’s of using Facebook in particular the use of photo’s.  Discussion to continue at next meeting. 
Meeting Dates and Locations: 

Our meetings will continue to be the 4th Tuesday of every month except for the first meeting of the year which will be held on Sept. 11, 2012 – this will be a Skating Planning Party.  We will continue to rotate our meetings around to each school.  Our next CPF General Meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012 at Ecole Mountainview  - 7:00 pm.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
Annual General Meeting, May 22, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Linda Wilson, Carolyn DeFreitas , Maxine Champion, Julie Livgard, Suzanne Dorais.
Call to order: 7:10
President’s Report – distributed.  Dina passed around the hoodie that will be presented to the Skeena students who are now going into Cal as well as the new Grad pins for everyone to see. 
Thank you cards given to the leaving executive.
M/S/C to adopt the President’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report – financial report was distributed and discussed.  M/S/C to approve the 2011-2012 financial statements.
Secretary’s Report – Outline of the paperwork required for the end of the year reporting and volunteer hours were requested. 
Elections held:
President - Carolyn DeFreitas
Vice President – currently unfilled.
Treasurer – Linda Wilson
Secretary – Kari Eisner will remain as secretary for another year.
Directors – Julie, Dina and Flo have agreed to be Directors at large for CPF Terrace Chapter.
Budget for 2012-2013 – Distributed and discussed. M/S/C to adopt the 2012-2013 budget as presented.
Cheques for Idelaire, Book Reserve, Summer Reading Club, A2Z, Office Supplies signed.
Garage Sale – Is being held this Saturday at Ecole Mountainview.  In need of volunteers and trucks to assist.  Garage sale items will be accepted on Friday from 3 – 6:30.

Signing Authority – M/S/C  to remove Terri Bowles and Dina Von Hahn from signing authority and to add Carolyn DeFretias and Linda Wilson. 
Gaming Application – Dina and Josianne to complete the gaming application for the 2012/2013 year by the May 31, 2012 deadline.
CPF – BC Reporting – Annual Summary, forms will need to be completed and submitted in June.
Kindergarten Orientation – 3 different orientation sessions.  31 students registered for K and they will have 3 different sessions with 10 students each.  CPF is invited to attend these sessions and Carolyn and Linda will try to attend and distribute pamphlets to the parents.  To be held on Friday - June 8.
Caledonia Grad Luncheon – Shannon Murdoch and Richard Claire usually organize this however, due to job action may not be able to organize it.  Dina to follow up on this. 
Advertising – will be an expense for the ad in the paper congratulating the FI grads of 2012 and for the engraving of the grad pins.  Scholarship awards – June 21 – Dina to attend.
Ecole Mountainview award – need a volunteer to present the award.  Terri volunteered and we will need to get it engraved afterwards. Awards ceremony to be held on June 26, 9:00 am.
An award will be established for Jack Cook and Skeena next year. 
Skating Party – the arena will need to be booked at the end of August.  Carolyn to follow up on this. 
Principal’s Report – Upcoming Events.  June 26 is the last day of class for students.  Report cards on June 25.  Sports Day June 15,Kindergarten Orientation is on June 8, June 22 grade 6 and 7 will visit Skeena.  No track and field.  Job action is putting a damper on field trips.  They need to be back here by 12:00 for lunch.  Kitimat field trip to the swimming pool will likely be cancelled because of this. 
Seven classes for the fall, K to 6.  Staffing is known but not who is teaching which grade(s). 
Next Meeting:  Thursday, June 21 - 7 pm at Cafenara. MEETING ADJOURNED 8:50 P.M.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
April 25, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Linda Wilson, Tenille Lewis, Renee Syvret, Carolyn DeFreitas

Call to order 7:05
Approval of Agenda  

Addition to agenda - childcare during meetings, Skeena award, yearbook donation
Approval of Minutes

Special Guest – Tenille Lewis, Grade 12 French Immersion Student. 
Last summer, Tenille applied for and was accepted into the Explorer’s Program.  This program was an alternative to doing  Science Humaine 11 in French by video conference.  As part of the program, Tenille went to a very small community by the St. Lawerence River, in Quebec for 5 weeks.  The first night she travelled to Montreal where she spent the night.  She then went on her own to the small community.  She lived with a host family for the 5 weeks she was there with 3 other girls.  While there, she attended a special French school that was held at the local high school.  Tenille took a course in higher level communication where she worked on pronounciation, interviewed individuals, and participated in a debate -- all in French.  By completing this course Tenille received a BC FI high school credit.  While there, Tenille went on a different excursion every weekend and for one week they went to Quebec City.  The program had a 3 strikes policy and if you were caught speaking English 3 times you were sent home.  Most of the people that attended the school were older than Tenille but overall she really enjoyed the trip and the program.  The only cost for Tenille to participate in this program was travel and they recommended you bring $500.00 for spending.  Tenille found out about this program from a fellow student who attended it the previous year.  In order to qualify for this program students need to do a placement test prior to beginning and then one afterwards to see if their language has improved. The minimum age to participate is 17 and they hold spring, summer and fall sessions.  

Another student exchange is available for FI students in Quebec as well.  This exchange is for grade 10 or 11 students and is 3 months long.    
School Report – Renee Syvret, Ecole Jack Cook

Renee reported that 1 out of 3 of their students will be going to Skeena for grade 7;  the other 2 have chosen to stay at Jack Cook.  They are willing to accommodate the students so that they can attend the band program if needed. 
They currently have 6 or 7 students entering kindergarten in September with a total of 33 students for the next school year which is enough to maintain 3 teachers.  The school year is going very well.  The teacher Natalie Fredrickson is returning in the fall from her exchange.  For the first time in many years they have many different people available to sub and assist in various capacities. 

The afterschool program is a wonderful success this year. It runs from 3:00 – 5:20 pm.  Renee reports that it is a stress relief for the students’ families as they no longer have to worry about childcare or ensuring the children’s homework is done.  They have noticed a large improvement in the students’ French as well. 
Terrace Parks and Rec is offering a French Summer Camp this year.  It will be held the first week of July.  Registration was open April 10.  The camp is already full with 12 students. If anyone is interested in attending the summer camp they need to phone Terrace Park and Rec and ask to have their child’s name put on the waiting list.  The summer camp is for children ages 5 – 12.  It could be possible that they will run another summer camp if they have enough people interested, although it would have to be with a different instructor. 

Treasurer’s Report – Linda has agreed to be the new treasurer for 2012-2013.  Josiane and Dina will complete the application for another gaming grant of $2,500.00 for the 2012/2013 year.  The draft budget was presented by Dina for members to review.
New Business
Skeena School T-Shirts Request - Skeena Middle School has approached Ecole Mountainview for a donation towards t-shirts for all of the students attending Skeena in Sept.2012.  This is to try and unify the students who are coming from all of the different schools.  They have approached all feeder schools for donations.  Ecole Mountainview PAC suggested CPF might want to donate as well.  Dina made a motion to donate $500.00 towards the purchase of T-shirts.  Seconded and passed. 

Award for Skeena – At Ecole Mountainview, CPF currently gives an award and plaque to a student(s) who is moving onto Skeena the next year (this award is not monetary).  CPF also provides scholarships for a student(s) graduating from Cal.  The Skeena FI students and Jack Cook students do not currently receive any awards from CPF.  Discussion was held around having an award for a Skeena student(s) going into Caledonia and one for a student(s) leaving Jack Cook as well.  Dina made a motion that CPF will establish awards for Skeena and Jack Cook that will recognize a student or students of French who are leaving their school.  Criteria to be determined in consultation with the schools.  Awards and Recognition in 2012/2013 budget to be changed to $500.00 rather than $300.00 to ensure the cost for this is covered.  Seconded and carried. 
Child care During Meetings – The question was raised - do we want to offer childcare to parents during our meetings in order to try and encourage attendance?  Further discussion to ensue at next meeting. 

Yearbook Club Request – The yearbook club at Ecole Mountainview has approached CPF for a donation towards their yearbook.  Discussion around this request.  Motion made to donate $25.00 for 2011/2012 to Ecole Mountainview Yearbook Club. Seconded and carried.
Garage Sale – Coming up on Saturday May 26.  CPF will gather donations for garage sale from parents and anyone else who is willing to donate.   A letter will be sent out to parents in the next couple of weeks requesting donations.  We will be looking for volunteers and volunteers with trucks in particular.  

Concours Public Speaking Competition – no students from Terrace went to the District competition held in Kitimat this year.  It will be held in Terrace next year.  Discussion around holding it a bit earlier next year prior to the Music Festival. 

Possible Book Fair - Discussion held around the need to book an Interac machine if we are planning to hold a book fair in the fall.  It was decided that we do not need to worry about it at this time.  We do not currently know whether or not an open house is going to be held. Until that is known it can wait.  
Fall Skating Party - We need to ensure the arena is booked for September before the end of June if we want to hold a Skating Party/Membership drive again.   

Tabled for next meeting - purchase of an external hard drive or memory stick for the computer.
Next Meeting:  AGM – May 22, 2012 at Ecole Mountainview, 7:00 pm.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Canadian Parents for French
March 27, 2012
Meeting Minutes

In attendance:  Dina Von Hahn, Kari Eisner, Terri Bowles, Flo Sheppard, Maxine Champion, Patrick Witwicki, Julie Livgard
Call to order 7:05
Special Guest - Patrick Witwicki, AFFNO
Patrick is on a tour of the Northwest and wanted to update the Terrace Chapter of CPF on AFFNO’s activities. 
In the past, AFFNO held a St. John Baptiste.   If AFFNO is approved to do an activity, there will be extra funds available but the War of 1812 must be incorporated - June 22nd, St. John Baptiste, Heritage Park might be a possibility.
May 7-11, 2012 is the Heritage Fair – there are funds available if the schools would like to bring any of their students to Heritage Park to visit the museum during that time period.  
There is a bilingual position for a Tour Guide at Heritage Park open this summer for any FI graduates or grade 11 students interested.
Also, Heritage Museum is offering an arts day camp July 2-5 and would like to offer one of the days in French.  They will be looking for a volunteer to help with this. 
In May, AFFNO is looking at having a fund raiser with the Kitimat Library.  It will be similar to the Murder Mystery fund raiser done in PR this winter.
Patrick showed CPF members an example of the AFFNO Newsletter that was recently printed.  These are available to AFFNO members.  CPF in Kitimat is currently signed up as an organization.  Dina made a motion for Terrace CPF to join as a member too.  S/C.
 Saturday May 12, 2012 AFFNO AGM in PR via teleconference at 1:00 pm.
Principal’s Report – Maxine Champion, Ecole Mountainview
Maxine thanked CPF for funding Marc Tardif the Magician and, for the funding provided to purchase books.  A number of non-fiction books were ordered which will hopefully help students completing research projects. 
A visit from Skeena’s principals is scheduled for Thursday March 29 to meet with grade 6/7 students to discuss the transition to middle school.
Currently, there are 28 kindergarten students registered for the fall; one more will be registering and a few more have expressed interest.  Maxine reports an increase in parents inquiring about the program in general.  There will likely be two kindergarten classes in the fall.
Last year the PALS Program was done in the evening.  Unfortunately, there will be no PALS Program this year due to job action by teachers.  If there is any type of “Welcome to Kindergarten Activities” this spring CPF is welcome to have a representative present. 
The student numbers will be roughly similar to this year.  Possible staffing changes are still being decided.  The higher grades will likely be splits because of student numbers. 
At this time, it is unknown whether Ecole Mountainview will have a band program in Sept. 
On April 14, the Concours Public Speaking Competition will be held in Kitimat – this is for Grade 5,6 & 7.  The top three students from each grade will be asked to go to Kitimat.  Next year Terrace will be hosting this.  Heather Robinson has organized it in the past and mentioned she would be willing to organize it again.
Ideliare  a French author is coming April 16 to Ecole Mountainview.  CPF is funding this for $350.00.
On April 20, Buzz Cuivres is coming to Mountainview.  CPF is helping to pay for this as well.  An afternoon show is being planned. 
Agenda approved.

Minutes from last meeting approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Terri distributed the financial statements.  CPF received another $1,000.00 from the BC Gaming Branch in February.  Discussion held around what our options for this money are. 
A laptop computer was purchased for CPF.  It includes extended warranty, MS Office, and Simply Accounting, a mouse and a bag.
We are owed money by Scholastic because we accidently sent them our float.  It will be returned but may take a while.  CPF is also owed $150.00 from Just Aissi.  Dina is still working with Renee to try and get this returned. 
Terri made a motion to close the Royal Bank account.  S/C.
Dina – handed out yearend financial overview hand out.  Financial situation discussed. 
New Business
Spring Garage Sale Fundraiser - idea discussed as a fund raiser.  Flo and Julie have agreed to co-coordinate this event. 
Early Childhood Fair – looking for a volunteer to take charge of the planning for this.  Dina to approach Kathleen Simms to see whether she is willing.  It is possible that FI high school students might be willing to volunteer during the day.
First Aid Workshops – coming to Ecole Jack Cook for the grade 4-7’s.  It is $25.00 per students and would be in May or June.  There are currently 13 students in Grade 7.  Discussion held around CPF paying for our Grade 7’s ­to attend.  It was decided CPF would not pay for this however, we will pass the information on to parents and will inform Renee that we are willing to distribute any information regarding the workshop.
Summer Reading Club – will discuss at next meeting.
Summer French Day Camp – Is scheduled for the first week in July, Terrace Park and Rec. is offering it. 
Dina distributed pamphlet re. possible student exchange for future students. 
Executives for next year – Carolyn possibly interested in President. Dina willing to stay on as a director.  We need a treasurer though.  Josianne willing to stay on to support treasurer but not able to be a treasurer. 
Next meeting – Wednesday April 25 at Ecole Jack Cook – Reilly may be doing a presentation about her trip to Ottawa and Tenille Lewis, a grade 12 student, will be speaking about her experience in Quebec as an exchange student.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tire Sure La Neige -- Yum!

Merci Beaucoup Tout Le Monde!

A somewhat belated Thank You to all of you who attended our Carnival d'hiver et Cabane a Sucre at Onion Lake on March 4, jointly hosted with CPF Kitimat. As many as 200 people joined us for a fun filled afternoon of cross country skiing, snow shoe races, snow fort building, sledding, French music, and the delicious tire sur la neige -- maple syrup on snow -- provided by our Kitimat counterparts.

Bonhomme made an appearance, hungry tummies were filled at the canteen, and those who felt the chill warmed up at the fire pit. The Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club was delighted to introduce many of you to its facilities and we were able to showcase the work of CPF to the club's members and others out for a ski.

A special thank you from CPF Terrace to our event coordinator, Carolyn DeFreitas. Other key volunteers from Terrace included Julie and Dag Livgard, Corina Cleveland, Stella and Scott Peden, Nita Back and Trish Francoeur, Flo Sheppard, Madeleine Link and Ella Martindale, Bart DeFreitas and many others...we are so sorry if we have inadvertently left out your name. Merci Suzanne Dorais for the fantastic French music!

The winner of our Maple Syrup Basket Door Prize was the Peasgood family. Congratulations! Congratulations also to those kids who completed their "Maple Passport" and entered our other draws.

We enjoyed working with the Kitimat CPF Branch very much, and look forward to making this event happen again next year!

CPF Terrace also gratefully acknowledges the support of the BC Gaming Branch which helped make this event possible.

Snow Hockey fun at Cabane A Sucre March 4 at the Snow Valley Nordic Ski Club.